About the Author

Hiking- icon

My name is David A Larrabee.   My passion is hiking in the mountains, sometimes alone, but always seeing the glory of God in the magnificence of creation.  My love of science, especially physics, makes the beauty of nature all the more wonderful.

I am deeply committed to the Biblical idea that we are here to serve all of nature. We have forgotten that humanity is part of nature and cannot survive independently of nature.  The biosphere gives us air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat.  The ancient religions understood our reliance on nature.   Today we ignore this fact; economically, technologically, spiritually, and morally.  We do so at our own peril, and we endanger the rest of creation as well.

Of all of nature, we are the only beings that seem to have both the ability to intellectually explore nature and the ability to exploit (or heal) nature on a global scale.  We can choose to serve creation, or be the oppressor of creation.   All too often we choose the role of the oppressor.

If we are willing to exploit and oppress that which gives us life, is it any surprise that we also choose to exploit and oppress our fellow human beings?   When we decide that everything exists for our own personal benefit, we have descended into a moral and spiritual abyss.

Technology will not save us from this abyss.  Economics will not allow us to evade the moral responsibility for the abyss.  Academic theorizing cannot explain away the spiritual emptiness and moral depravity of the abyss of the oppressor.  A spiritual abyss requires spiritual healing.

Spiritual healing comes from the spiritual disciplines, and part of those disciplines is discipleship.   For me, that means being a disciple of Jesus Christ.  Serving God’s creation is part of that discipleship.

I welcome you to this website to consider with me what it means to serve creation as an obedient act of discipleship, not just while hiking through the woods, but in living in an urban environment as well.  This journey takes us to a place where science, ecology, economics, technology, sociology, politics, spirituality and religion all come together.


A dialog between Science, economics and Religion